How We Escape From Everyday
I have a chalkboard in my living room that I change week to week. I find a message that speaks to me, write it on the chalkboard and maybe draw a picture or two. This week's sign seems unrelated to yoga at first, but if you dive into its implications, you might find that it can be applied to life.In short, the companion on the tv show Doctor Who gets in the Doctor's time machine and takes off with her (currently a woman, for the first time!!) to other worlds, other times, and great adventures. They leave their everyday lives behind and eventually, come back to them again as though they've never left. They've changed, but nothing else has.
The thing about the companions is that they are completely willing to risk their lives to escape them.
What are you willing to do to escape the difficulties in your life? What are you willing to do to forget for a little while? Think about how often we escape into our phones, our tvs, food, alcohol, drugs...It's all a form of escapism, of shutting off from our lives.
Meditation helps you to face your life head on, deal with what you are trying to escape from, and LET IT GO. It's scary at first to face what you're trying to escape from, but it's worth it.
In the end, the companions often find themselves (after traveling with Doctor Who for a season or two), let go of what it was they were trying to escape in the first place, and move on with their lives, fulfilled by their time as companion to the Doctor.
Try This
Try taking a few moments every day to SIT with your pain, your troubles-whatever you shut off from with your phone or a drink-and start to face it, breathe into it and let it go. Essentially...break on through to the other side of the doors of perception.
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