May Days/June Sun
Though a lot of May was a bit of a wash, due to illness and emergency (sorry about that!), I'm happy to say things have improved and June looks like it's shaping up to be much more successful.Now, we can look forward to the beginning of summer and better weather (though you wouldn't know it from the last few days!) I'm pretty convinced we're in for a hot one this summer! What do you have planned for the lazy days of summer?
How About Some Meditation?
If you don't have anything planned for the summer and you're looking for something new, why not start a meditation practice? Sit somewhere you can feel calm and still and really get down to it once a day, every day. It doesn't have to be a long practice; it can be as short or as long as you feel is right.
The meditation we did last week is a good place to start.
1. Bring your hands to your heart.
2. Focus on your breath. Let the body's sensations melt away. Let the limbs and muscles become heavy and still. Let the breath slow and lengthen and focus on the in and out breath as you let the body fall away.
3. Breathe in for a count of 4. Breathe out for a count of 4. Let go of negativity on the exhale, enjoying peace.
4. Keep counting. If you notice that the mind has wandered and you've let go of your count, gently remind yourself to come back to it and start again.
It's as simple as that. Eventually, your timer will go off or you will realise you're feeling at peace, calm and still and you'll either sit a little longer or you'll move on and go about your day.
Guided Meditation, anyone?
If you've decided you'd like to meditate but don't want to do it on your own, why not let me know? I'm considering adding a 30 minute meditation class (or two) to my schedule. Maybe I'll have it here:

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