Yoga on the farm has been fun so far; we have ducks, chickens and a very hands-on cat visiting us during our sessions, causing a bit of distraction but in a funny way. The group has been growing as word spreads about our weekly outdoor yoga sessions and so, the laughter grows as well.
(a picture before class)
Letting Go of Expectations and Attachments
In May, we worked on deep inhalations and long exhalations, letting go of expectations and attachments. It is easy to become attached to the spiral of our thoughts; letting go of our thoughts, just letting them come and then go again, has been the focus of our meditation. Letting go of expectations for our practice, for our poses, and enjoying our practice without attaching to an image of what it "should" look like has been our focus.
See if you can practice now, closing the eyes, letting the whole body release into your chair or mat or bed or couch.
Breathe in, deep into the belly, drawing in energy, drawing in positivity.
Breathe out, a long exhale, letting out all of the air, letting go of expectations and attachments. Let the thoughts come but let them go by like the clouds in the sky. Let them float by without attaching to them or judging them.
Breathe out, a long exhale, letting out all of the air, letting go of expectations and attachments. Let the thoughts come but let them go by like the clouds in the sky. Let them float by without attaching to them or judging them.
Breathe in, feeling the back of the throat lifting, drawing in loving kindness.
Feel the pelvic floor lift as your breathe reaches the apex and then exhale a smooth, steady exhale. Release expectations for your practice. Release attachments.
Breathe in, drawing in energy, ready to face your day.
Graduation Day...
Yesterday, the group of lovely yoginis that I've spent the last 8 months with and I graduated! Some of the girls have one more test to do, but essentially we're all EWYT-RYT200 certified! It's crazy to think about it-where we all started our trek into our 350 hour training and where we are now. It seems so long ago that we started but, then again, not so long ago. There is always so much more knowledge to take in. Yoga is never-ending practice and study.
(Hand to hand, supporting each other. I'm near the front in red)
(We had a vegetarian potluck in between classes)
So, congrats to us and here's to a lifelong love of learning about yoga!
Looking Forward
There will be some pricing changes coming up in the next month or so. They will not affect regular classes but private class and travel (to your home) pricing will see a small increase (and maybe some great offers as well!) If you haven't tried a one-on-one (or two-to-one) session, do consider the benefits of individual attention. One-on-one sessions allow for more discussion and routines tailored to participants' needs or requests. Additionally, parents can take advantage of inviting me to your homes for very affordable one-on-one sessions during nap time.
This month, we will continue to delve into meditation, relaxation and release in our practice.
(from the app: Unique Daily Affirmations)
Remember: You are enough.
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