Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Happy New Year, BoT Yoga

Our Holiday/Winter Themed Class

Thank you to the students who took the opportunity to attend BoT Yoga's first Holiday/Winter themed class on December 21! We had a little fun, starting with "Candy Cane" (crescent stretch) pose and heading on through to try out poses like "Christmas Tree" (seated with arms stretched high and hands in a point) and "Snowball" (rock 'n roll.) Child's pose was accompanied by the reflection: 

Breathe in and let joy in. 
Breathe out and let worry/holiday chaos go. 
Breath in and let calm in. 
Let your thoughts go like snow on a hot rock.
I hope you enjoyed this lighthearted class as much as I did. It was a nice way to take a moment to smile and find calm before heading into all of the excitement that accompanies the holidays. 

An Old Year, A New Year

Before 2016 ended, we spent some time at BoT Yoga focusing on Loving Kindness Meditation. Loving Kindness (Metta) Meditation and is popular among yoga practitioners. It's about sending well-wishes toward other people (and yourself.) It always begins with a loving acceptance of yourself and continues forward from there to loving kindness toward others.
Throughout December, we repeated to ourselves during our Loving Kindness meditation:

May I be well.
May I be happy and content.
May I be free from danger and suffering.
May I be filled with loving kindness.
May you be well.
May you be happy and content.
May you be free from danger and suffering.
May you be filled with loving kindness.
May all beings be well.
May all beings be happy and content.
May all beings be free from danger and suffering.
May all beings be filled with loving kindness.

Don't Forget

In 2017, we will still be offering 10-class passes, which work out to a savings of $2 per class.

Going Forward

Looking forward into this new year, we will continue to journey into kindness toward the self and others. We will move mindfully, with an awareness of how our bodies move and what our bodies' needs are, asking ourselves without judgement if we need a bolster, block or other prop or a moment in child's pose. We can even ask ourselves if we need to push just a little bit further to find "effort with ease" or if we've lost our calm breath and need to hold back a bit. Listening to our bodies is an important and kind thing we can do for ourselves.



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